Passion Fuels Purpose! 


Hi, I am Farkhan, a software engineer and an Informatics Engineering student at University of Muhammadiyah Malang in Indonesia. I love coding and learning new things, especially in the fields of software development and machine learning.

I have worked on various projects using different technologies such as Node.js, Golang, ReactJS, MongoDB, Postgresql, and Python. Some of them are related to Back End Development, Machine Learning and Front End Development.

You can find some of my work on this website, GitHub and LinkedIn, where I also share my interests and opinions on various topics. I am always open to new opportunities and challenges, so feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions. Thank you for reading!


projects completed


years experiences


Web Dev


  • Back End Developer @PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk

    September 2022 - March 2023 | Bandung, West Java

    Worked on the National Address Database project, where my role involves developing, improving, and maintaining high-quality back-end services and APIs. I actively participate in the entire application lifecycle, with a particular focus on coding and debugging. Working within an agile culture, I collaborate closely with a cross-functional team comprising backend developers, frontend developers, UI/UX designers, data scientists, product owners, and more.

  • Back End Developer @PT Investree Radhika Jaya

    August 2022 - September 2022 | Remote

    Learned with multiple tech stacks and have gained proficiency in using Postgresql for database management. Additionally, I have developed REST APIs using the Spring Boot framework.

  • Back End Engineer @Generasi Gigih 2.0 by YABB & GoTo

    February 2022 - July 2022 | Remote

    Learned to create a REST API using Ruby on Rails, gaining practical experience in back-end development. During this process, I have also familiarized myself with Postgresql, emphasizing clean code and adhering to the SOLID principle. In addition, I have developed REST APIs using Node.js, Sequelize, and Postgresql, expanding my skill set and enabling me to choose appropriate technologies for efficient back-end development.

  • Machine Learning and Front-End Web Developer - KAMPUS MERDEKA @PT Presentologics

    August 2021 - January 2022 | Remote

    I learned about Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms, which helped me create effective models. I also gained expertise in optimizing and deploying these models to Flask. Additionally, I dedicated time to mastering ReactJs for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces. To bring everything together, I combined my Machine Learning expertise, Flask, and ReactJs skills to develop a web application that seamlessly integrates a powerful Machine Learning model, delivering a comprehensive and valuable user experience.

  • Laboratory Assistant @Informatics Laboratory UMM

    August 2020 - March 2023 | Malang, East Java

    In this role, my main responsibilities included supporting lecturers in delivering course material to students according to the established curriculum. I assisted in teaching and assessing practical activities during lab sessions. Additionally, I collaborated with subject lecturers to coordinate and evaluate student learning outcomes based on the completed practical activities. Another aspect of my role involved designing and creating learning modules that supplemented the practical activities, following the guidance of the course lecturer.


  • Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science

    2019 - 2023 | University Of Muhammadiyah Malang

    Relevant courses included Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Systems Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, UI/UX Ect.